VOW Media is happy to support our dear Maria in her upcoming workshop!

April 6 at 6:00pm until April 27 at 11:30am
Joe’s Garage, Pretoriusstraat 43, Amsterdam

Emotional and/ or sexual involvement with one or more people, friendship, open relationships,
monogamy and non-monogamy, polyamory, friends with benefits, platonic love, crushes…the list
can go on forever.
Do you want a safe space where you can talk about it all?
Do you want to discover and create your own love story?
Do you want to share it using multi-media tools?

Then come join us for our digital story-telling workshop about non-monogamy and the romantic
idea of love!

Maria and Irina, gender and sexuality graduates and activists, will guide you through four-sessions
of digital story-telling that will allow you to find your story and express it. The result of this
workshop will be creation and collection of digital stories.

Digital story-telling refers to a form of low-tech video-making that allows people to share aspects of
their lives. A digital story consists of images, music, voice-over and text and lasts between 2 and 6

Who can participate? Anyone interested in joining the workshop. Because this is a no-cost/ low-
cost workshop, you will need your own laptop in the last two sessions of the workshop. Ideally, we
hope to have a group of no more than 8 participants.

Please send your name and a short paragraph about your motivation to join the workshop to
When: In April 2012, every Friday from 18 to 20.30 o’clock

6 April 2012: Discussions about the workshop themes + discovering
and/or creating the story
13 April 2012: Conceptualizing the story and translating it to
photography, music, text and voice-over
20 April 2012: Making the digital story using basic low-tech video
editing software like Windows Movie Maker or iMovie or Ubuntu Avidemux.
27 April 2012: Finalizing the digital stories + Feedback
Mid May 2012: Screening of the stories

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