Amsterdam, Oct 2013 – On Monday, we had a benefit dinner at Joe’s Garage. Joe’s lovely volunteers cooked a delicious vegan meal for the crowd, while we had the chance to show our videos and discuss our projects. And we even got some people interested in volunteering for us!

We are in the process of raising funds for our latest project, called ‘Displaced.’ It aims at providing young first or second-generation migrant women living in the Netherlands, Romania, Greece and Spain with video and photography tools to allow them to create and tell their own stories, as well as control their own images of representation.

We want to provide a safe and creative space for young migrant women to celebrate their identity and belonging and share them with the world using multimedia. We organized a screening of selected videos done by our former participants – all migrant stories told my migrants themselves. And, of course, a discussion.

We’d like to thank Joe’s Garage for their support.  Joe’s Garage is an autonomous social center in Amsterdam East, open six days a week. For info and movie nights, workshops and informal discussions on social and political activism, vegan environment and animal-friendly meals and non-capitalist “sharing is caring” give-away-shop, pay them a visit.

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